How to Avoid the 7 Costly Housing Mistakes

Before and After a Divorce

Obtain your free special report NOW to discover how to make this aspect of your current situation less stressful.

To assist you in identifying the right questions to ask and determining the best answer for your unique situation, industry experts have prepared a FREE special guide called "How to Avoid the 7 Costly Housing Mistakes Before and After a Divorce"

Fill out the form below to get your FREE access to this guide.

About the Guide

Going through a divorce is rarely a smooth process and frequently involves making tough choices. One crucial decision to make is determining the fate of your home.

Amidst the emotional and financial upheaval, what you need most is unbiased, clear-cut information and guidance. Understanding how divorce impacts your home, mortgage, and taxes will make critical decisions more manageable. Objective, third-party advice can help you make rational choices, rather than those driven by emotions.

Perhaps the initial decision to make is whether or not you want to continue residing in the house. Will the familiar environment provide emotional stability, or will it bring back painful memories? Do you want to minimize change by staying where you are, or would you prefer to sell your home and embark on a fresh start in a new location? While only you can answer these questions, there will likely be financial implications tied to your choices. What is within your budget? Can you maintain your current home on your new budget? Is refinancing an option? Or is it more practical to sell and buy a different property? What type of home can you afford with your new budget?

To access your FREE GUIDE, fill out the form above.

About the Author

First-Time Home Buying Experts will be hosting a free live webinar to teach you about buying your first time and how to save costs. At the same time, you will hear about our Buyer Protection Plan that will save you $$$ Thousands when purchasing a home.

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Don't make the 7 housing mistakes that could cost you

thousands before and after a divorce

Hani Faraj

Heller Murch Realty

110 - 2490 Birch Street

Vancouver, BC V6H 3X9